Monday, December 4, 2006

Are you Entrepreneur or Technician running business?

From book E-Myth by Michael E Gerber, there is 3 types of personality who running business. They are called Technician, Manager, and Entrepreneur.

Technicians jobs related to direct and hand-on job, tactical job.
Manager jobs related to getting result through others, enhance system, tactical and strategic job.
Entrepreneur jobs related to shape the business, visionary, strategic job.

Success entrepreneur working on business not in business. Entrepreneur is master of time management and job delegation.

Some business built not by entrepreneur (pesonality), but by technician who suffering from past company, willing to be own boss, believe that he/she can do thing better. The businsess may be run, but the owner's technician personality will make the business keep small and full of struggle.

Entrepreneurs have business.
Technicians have busyness.